Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Beauty of Misfits

Oh WOW it's February already....

Clocked in 8 days at Shell so far and things are starting to get hectic. I am currently learning how to talk more at the office considering how talkative everyone is. It doesn't help I've always been a quiet little girl (little introvert that I am), and shy of people I am not yet close to. But they're nice people and I really want to feel at home there, so I better start making notes on how to be more interactive!

It helps to observe how extroverts carry themselves, and in a way try to copy their actions hehe...

On another note, I finished this book by Malcolm Gladwell today. 

I don't think I can summarize all of the contents but what I did get from this book is that, things are never what we perceive them to be. There will always be things that we think are best for us, or will give the best opportunity for us. But sometimes, we fail to realize the compatibility of the opportunity with our own capability in experiencing it.

Also, we fail to realize that there will always be a limitation to our needs and even in the power we think we possess. 

It also explains that how being a misfit and socially awkward can be an advantage to a person in succeeding in life. So, being a misfit or even an underdog sometimes does work out in our favor. 

Being a Muslim, I can relate some of the chapters in this book to Islam quite easily. To put it simply, when we have faith in Allah, we know that everything happens with a hikmah, and that every trial and test will only make us stronger. 

Another interesting point that caught my attention is that Gladwell mentions the difference between a 'near miss' & a 'remote miss'. A near miss is when something devastating happens and leaves us in ruins, while a remote miss allows us to experience a devastation, but the psychological effects leaves us for the better & stronger. Also, remote misses are what makes us believe in invulnerability and in the belief that we withstand something for a higher purpose. 

 Some of my favourite chapters in the book:

Where he explains how people with dyslexia succeed better than non-dyslexics.

And how not conforming to social expectations is a blessing...

It's interesting, really. You should check it out should you have the time ;) 

Btw, if you're interested in the books I read or want me to review anything head on over to my goodreads

Books I've read in January 2014, I'm on a 40-books mission!

Let's hope for a read-productive month for February! 

Have a great weekend :)

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