Sunday, July 20, 2014

Love for Books!

Hey guys! It's been weeks since I've updated anything here. Work has been hectic but not quite like pre-Ramadhan work. It's the holy month again and despite some setbacks which I prefer not to talk about because it's quite depressing (Gaza & #MH17), I am learning a lot during this month. There have been many times I was being tested of my patience and ability to stay calm in annoying situations. I think it's a good month to improve yourself without being influenced to do anything sinful. 

Other than that, I don't think I've done a book-themed post in a long time!
 I have been pretty active on my book instagram (@BookLoves_ lately.
I'm really attached to this project. I get to post book reviews, recommendations and cool book art projects they randomly do on Instagram. And let me just say, there are so many nice booklovers online, I find it pretty cool engaging with them!  :D 

Books read for this month. Highly recommended by me, I enjoyed them so much. 

The new book by Rainbow Rowell, Landline, is a good one I must say. It's a big shift for Rowell from Young Adult to Adult Fiction. Her writing can be improved but Landline is still great a read. 

May We Be Forgiven by A. M. Homes is a dark family-themed novel which surprisingly I enjoyed very much. It was so sarcastic and witty after the depressed first part of the book.

One Day (David Nicholls) was a bit slow but the ending was worth it, I think. It was sad and I love the One-Day date annually concept. Was a very unique story-telling concept.

After Ever After (John Sonnenblick) was kind of a like a mini version of TFIOS for kids. It's a great and sad read which was also light and incredibly easy to read. 

Other than that, I must say baking honey-covered cornflakes is a great weekend activity, besides reading of course :D

I hope they turn out alright!

Before I end this post, here's a photo of (most) of the books I've read in 2014. It's a great thing to reflect on books you've ventured in, and what possible future reads are available next.

Have a great Sunday!


  1. AH so it's YOU who's behind that instagram account. Ahhhh. I seeeee.

  2. I really like that instagram you created btw. I'm a bookworm, too. :)

    1. ahaha yes guilty as charged! Thanks! it's a pleasure to see people liking what i've posted. and nice to meet fellow booklovers :D how did you come across this post anyway?

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