Saturday, April 12, 2014

Internship Life Phase 1

I recently presented my Student Industrial Internship (SIT) for UTP in front of my lecturer last Thursday. When it was over, I felt nothing but gratitude for the endless work experience and life lessons I've learnt in QHSSE, SRCPD. It isn't easy to land yourself in a department that trusts in your capabilities and are willing to guide you when you've screwed up or made mistakes. It's even harder to arrive in a place where love and respect are spread all around in the comfort of laughs and smiles.

Days before my presentation, I was nervous and insecure of the jobs I've been handling for the past 12 weeks. I was afraid that it wasn't as 'engineering-related' as the lecturer hoped it would be. But Alhamdulillah, he was quite pleased with what I contributed and pleased to find myself engaging with most of the staffs to gain experience.

Me during before the presentation. I swear I wasn't zoning out!
Now that Phase 1 is over, in 4 weeks time I'll move on to Student Industrial Project (SIP) where I'll actually have to do something related to my course. *Gulp*

Asides from that, we said goodbye to SRCPD's previous Managing Director Dato' Rozano Saad 2 weeks ago. A friendly, but firm fellow. I wish him all the best in his next achievement in life. God I wish I could be like him some day, Insyallah.

You know he's cool when he's willing to take selfies.
Other than that it's been one heck of an exciting week for me. Endless visits to plant to see safety practices and joining the OMLT Turun Padang in conjunction with the arrival of our new MD, Amir Bakar. He insisted we go to the plant and do a gotong royong to clean up the place.

We trainees had more fun than one might think one might have while picking up rubbish/wastes. 

I swear the days have been nothing but sun, clear skies and heat!

Here's to the next phase of internship and may it bring more memories, lessons and acts of kindness & forgiveness along the way ^^

With the rest of the safety trainees, Syafiq & Adib

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