Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Roughly 9 Weeks Left

...Until my internship begins. 

And guess what? Alhamdulillah I managed to secure a place here:

Where the plant in Port Dickson looks like this at night:

Alhamdulillah, I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity to do my internship here for the next 7 months. I got Health, Security, Safety and Environment (HSSE) Department which relates to Chemical Engineering, though not physically technical as much as I'd hoped. But you know what? I've heard so many negative comments about this department:

"HSE? OMG that's so boring. All you do is office work and no chance to do anything technical"

"Bapak bosan department HSE, buat filing and report je"

"HSE huh? Well...it won't be much, but at least the company's good"

And I'm DONE listening to this kind of negative feedback, who probably are just pissed about something else and decides to spoil the mood for me.

I've been focusing on some positive comments instead:

"HSE? That's highly sought for these days. What do you mean it's not technical? You need to know EVERYTHING about the plant, that's technicality right there."

"It's a good department, not many ventured into it yet. You got a real opportunity there"

"HSE? Ok ape, asalkan dpt company bagus, insyallah dapat department mane2, smua okay"

"Don't listen to other people, they're just envious. It's a really good department with high potential in the future"

Of course, my spirits went down after listening to the negative comments, but one senior gave me a great piece of advice. 

Regardless of where you go, if you don't push yourself to perform in that particular area, what's the point? If you're good and hardworking, you'll make through it. You'll succeed anywhere. If you're bad....then you'll be bad wherever you go. And you can't blame any department for that.

It took some time to get over my sorrows, but I realised that even if I got other departments like Process, Control or even Office-Based work, I'd give it my all and perform my best. Cause everyone starts at the bottom. And to go far from your starting point, you have to be willing to try your best at something. With this, respect is earned and your career more defined. 

So, here's to giving a 120% (though I don't believe in irregular percentages, but you get my point) into something regardless of whether I'll be good at it. Here's to making the best out of my 7-months internship and being the best trainee I could possible be for this company. 

Here's to new adventures in Port Dickson, HSSE, and all the beautiful memories along the way. 

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