Saturday, June 14, 2014

Wrapping Up Week 21

Well, life certainly has kept me busy. We moved into a new, beautiful environment, I started my Student Industrial Project (SIP), on the last few weeks left of my internship.

I must say, the past few months have taught me so much about creating an impression on people. From being just a trainee, to someone not afraid of asking questions and even suggesting some ideas. It taught me valuable social skills, and for an introvert, that is pretty priceless. I've become more engaging with others, and I can hold longer conversations than I used to. And I am pretty happy about this improvement in myself.

I realise that your experience in your internship depends on how you treat it. A staff once told me to treat it with respect and like a real working experience. To always be open minded, and prepared to be thrown into the ocean for my limits to be tested. Can't say I enjoyed being tested more than the other trainees in my department, but when I assess the person I am now, and the person I was at the early of the year...I am grateful for the late nights, stress and fatigue experienced. Because I truly felt at place in Shell working alongside the others. 

Shell PD is such a good platform to learn, and with so much current issues going on, there's always so much at stake and everyone is being more aware of their decisions. This really helps you in thinking critically and predicting all the outcomes that could either jeopardize or help your position. You can't help but to want to be involved and contribute as much as possible.

I think what drives me to work hard is I wanted respect. And I knew that respect is hard to earn or win. You have to prove that you're not here temporarily (even if that is true) but that you're here to stay and give it your all. And as much as I aspire to be a 'giver', not a taker, I know that is solely up to the rest of the staff to judge me. I can only try my best to perform and volunteer whatever services is needed.

You definitely can't be picky when put in a situation. Like someone told me, Allah has given you the best opportunity to take from it positively. It's up to you to determine what would be the best way to learn from it. 

You can't just wait for people to give you something. You gotta ask for the opportunity and prove you can handle it all. But it does take time and it does take perseverance. What makes me motivated is to banish the expectations some might have towards typical girls like me. It's common to find people who wants to see you fall or hate your job, so they don't feel bad about theirs. And they hate it when they themselves feel demotivated about their work.

Well, tough luck. Cause I'm here to tell you that you won't bring me down so easily...

Looking forward to wrapping up my last 8 weeks here :)